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Studievereniging Industria

Study Association Industria organizes activities for Industrial Engineering students at the TU/e.

Informatie over Studievereniging Industria

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Datum opgericht:27 november 1963
Doelgroep / instituut:Industrial Engineering op TU/e
Aantal leden/contribuanten:1400
Url website:website
Sociëteit- of borrellocatie:The Villa, Atlas 1.750
Bestuur / kantoorlocatie:Atlas 2.328, TU/e
Openingstijden Sociëteit / borrellocatie:Donderdag 17:00-20:00


In 1963 Industria was founded by students of the faculty of Industrial Engineering in Eindhoven. Currently the association has grown to about 1,400 members and is one of the largest study associations of Eindhoven.


We organize activities in our four pillars: Study, Career, International and Leisure.

Missie & Visie

The goal of our assocation is to fulfill the needs of Industrial Engineering students in the broadest definition possible. Currently we try to meet our goals by taking care of the following:

Support our students in studying Industrial Engineering;
Give students the opportunity to organize activities through which they can gain useful skills, knowledge or experience;
Help students in orienting on the job market;
Integration between the different Industrial Engineering students.
We strive to organize our activities on a professional, high quality level while fulfilling at least one of the goals above. Our activities are organized by and meant for our students and through this they gain useful experience and get involved in the community.

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