S.A. Communiqué
Founded in 1994, S.A. Communiqué is the study association for the Bachelor’s and Master’s programme “Communication Science” at the University of Twente. Consisting of 300+ members ranging from 25+ nationalities, our goal is to assist our students in developing themselves on an academic, professional and social level, whilst trying to maintain and improve the quality of the educational programme. We work towards this goal by organizing activities both internally and externally, either in collaboration with the university’s educational staff or external organizations. In that way, Communiqué strives to bridge the gap between student and professional life, while providing its members with opportunities to develop themselves throughout the duration of their studies. WIth a focus on internationalization, we also exemplify social and cultural diversity amongst our members
Informatie over S.A. Communiqué
Hieronder vind je de informatie die wij hebben gekregen van het bestuur van S.A. Communiqué. Mocht je vragen hebben over onderstaande informatie, of zie je dat bepaalde informatie niet meer klopt, horen wij dat graag in de reacties onderaan de pagina
Datum opgericht: | September 1994 |
Status: | Actief |
Doelgroep / instituut: | Students |
Url website: | website |
Sociëteit- of borrellocatie: | MBasememt Utwente |
Bestuur / kantoorlocatie: | Cubicus B105 University Twente |
Stad: | Enschede |
Lunch lectures, activities in general for the members like Ice skating or going to a Jumping house and borrels.
Missie & Visie
Communiqué serves as the link between the students of Communication Science and their educational programme. Students can purchase their study material via the association, where they also have access to free summaries of their fellow students. Additionally, we maintain contact with both students and the educational staff in order to voice their concerns/wishes to the programme coordinators, via means of direct communication, feedback sessions, study evenings and so forth.
In order to facilitate the connection between our students and the working field, Communiqué works towards building new relationships with external entities that are likely to bring useful knowledge to the students. Workshops, guest Lecturers, company visits and other activities are organized in collaboration with outside companies with the goal of providing insightful information for the students, either assisting in their educational programme or in their career development.
In-between their study and professional lives, students have the opportunity to socialize with fellow students in the Communiqué room, talk to the board members, or grab either a drink or a snack. Outside of the university, Communiqué organizes numerous activities that also give the members an opportunity to get to know each other better. Students can also get to know members from other study associations via either formal or informal activities that are organized in collaboration with Communiqué.
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